Why Taxpayers Should Sue Google

You should sue Google on behalf of yourself and the hundreds of millions of American’s Google has lied to, manipulated, defrauded, hid the news from, election-rigged and cyber-stalked. Google is pulling political strings to blockade your legal right to have any case heard in front of a jury but they can only delay the inevitable. Together we got the criminally corrupt Eric Schmidt to "step down" from Google but he is still out there operating his schemes and political horrors. He must be targeted for the rest of his life for what he did to America.

Over 400 Google shills were placed inside of state and federal offices in order to try to shut down any disclosure of Google’s corrupt and illicit actions. This is not theory. It is fact. We have the names and HR data for each person and it will hold up as evidence in the court room. Google has expended tens of millions of dollars in bribes and illegal activities. Now it is time to shut Google down.

That is not how America works, Google. You do not get to commit these crimes and get away with it Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Jared Cohen, John Doerr, David Drummond and your other corrupt billionaire buddies!”

The proof of these criminal actions by Google owners, executives and investors has now become available.

Recent document leaks and ex-employee whistle-blowers have confirmed these crimes by Google.

You are advised by federal law enforcement, community legal groups and Constitutional law experts that you are entirely free to use any legally obtained evidence that you find in public view. It does not matter if it comes from DNC insiders, Wikileaks, Google’s own employees, or Russian diplomats. It is now entirely legal for you to use anything you legally find on the internet or in public statements that demonstrate Google's corruption.

In fact, though, you do not need any more evidence than what you already have from public news media, to put Google senior staff in prison. New leaks double-down on the criminal and civil charges already made against Google. The FBI, GAO, FTC, SEC, FEC and other law enforcement and regulatory agencies know these facts to be accurate.

Google, YouTube, Alphabet, Jigsaw, In-Q-Tel, Shareblue, and all of their various front organizations, are controlled by the same people with the same bizarre agenda. They operate under bribery and payola schemes with famous politicians. You can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google, and a company called Kleiner Perkins, have a campaign payola deal with White House executives. This deal trades search engine rigging for Cleantech “green money” handouts ordered up by White House staff from various state and federal agencies. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google has a contracted relationship with non-Congressionally approved rogue groups, like In-Q-Tel, Media Matters, Sid Blumenthal Group and New America Foundation; who use U.S. treasury funds to attack competitors. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Ann Wojcicki and Sergey Brin did not build the first Google, they stole the technology from others. Google, particularly the three founders, steal their technology. You can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google violated anti-monopoly and anti-trust laws by operating Google as a “Cartel”. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google has paid money to Gawker Media and Gawker Media has paid money to Google. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google and Gawker Media have a series of quid-pro-quo relationships which provide for the mutual deployment of character assassinations of their business and political enemies. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google’s lawyer" Michelle Lee, and other Google associates, worked in and controlled the U.S. Patent Office for the protection of Google. Google’s patent staff took vendetta actions against citizens on orders from Google bosses. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google bosses have demonstrated a lack of morality by the vast number of sexual scandals they have been involved in. This indicates a higher-than-normal predilection, by Google bosses, to engage in criminal and illicit activity. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google has always had, and today fully has, total control over the text, links, results, adjacent results and all positioning of each and every Google search result and mnemonic impression and Google selectively adjusts those results in order to harm competitors and political adversaries and hype investor insider trading friends and partners like Elon Musk (who sleeps with Larry Page). Google lied to government regulators, in multiple nations, when Google stated that executives had no control over Google results. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Citizens and their lawyers have sent tens of thousands of legal letters to Google asking Google to stop harassing, cyber-stalking and search engine locking attacks against each person they attacked for political reasons. Google refused to comply with attack reduction demands and, in fact, increased the attacks against those people who confronted Google for attacking them. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google receives operational orders from Obama and Clinton White House campaign financiers and those communications are recorded in emails and phone calls. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google stated on the record that it’s search results change every few hours yet Google locked each attack they coordinated against citizens they did not like on the same top lines of the front page of Google, around the globe, for over five years without any shift in placement. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google meets the legal definition as an organized crime RICO-violation illicit “Cartel”. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google bribes politicians to get Google’s owned politicians to harm Google’s competitors. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

A number of groups placed thousands of server sensors in different ISP’s in different locations around the entire internet for extended periods of time in order to catch Google rigging the internet and did, in fact, catch Google rigging the internet. Others have emulated these tests and also caught Google rigging internet results. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google rigs the internet to hide misdeeds and company failures by Elon Musk while, concurrently, pumping up and hyping cover stories to hide those misdeeds because Larry Page and Elon Musk are best boyfriends and Google owns parts of Tesla and Tesla battery suppliers. We have an internet tracking record from 2007 to today, comparing the daily results for Tesla and Elon Musk, vs. the top 15 global search engines vs. pro and con news on each. The results on Google were rigged by Google. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google has received billions and billions of U.S. Treasury money that were exclusively provided to Google on a quid-pro-quo basis by politicians that Google financed. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google owns corrupt lithium mining interests along with Elon Musk. That is why a common search engine company is also building electric cars. Google and their partner, Elon Musk, do this in order to scam tens of billions of taxpayer dollars from DOE and DOT exclusive White House ordered government hand-outs. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google pumps marketing hype for stock market pump-and-dumps which inure exclusively to Google investors and against Google enemies. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

Google sabotaged and circumvented government funding and rerouted it to Google. We can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.

There is much more factual data and evidence sets that, upon becoming public knowledge, will prove that White House staff and U.S. Senators are running cover-ups in order to protect their insider scam deal with Google, rig election perceptions and search results, and run Google as a “protection racket” using taxpayer resources.

Google operates like a "private government" within the United States. Google illegally uses CIA spy tools for domestic political manipulation.